That may or may not be a word, but I like it, so it stays. You know...racism, sexism, ageism, sizeism, all those copious ism's that people judge others by. They all suck and I'm pretty sure just about everyone agrees with me on that one.
Being a female type, I have run into sexism once in a while. Nothing terribly drastic, but I have seen it. Heard/read tons of stories. Sizeism, too, since I'm a big girl. I hate airplanes.
I'd actually like to talk about racism. I fully realize and acknowledge that I am coming from the POV of a Semi-Privileged White Chick (tm) and hence can never fully understand the awfulness that is true racism. I also confess that I (like most everyone) have some unconscious racist thoughts, though I do try to mentally whack myself upside the head when I think them.
rac·ism –noun
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
I have had friends of just about every race, creed, and sexual orientation. They were not my friends because of or in spite of their differences from me, they were just my friends. Besides, kids don't think things like "I'll go be friends with the (insert difference here) person, that proves I'm not judgmental and racist!" Except that it proves exactly that, when you are friendly to someone for that reason.
Anyway, I believe that there are truly racist actions and speech. I also believe that some people claim others are being racist when they are no such thing. F'r instance, someone who happens to be black goes into a store for a refund but has no receipt and whatever it is has obviously been worn/used to the point of unsellable. When told "sorry, can't do it" - is that racist? No. Claiming it's because the clerk is racist waters down the actual racism that does still exist.
Or the brouhaha over SB 1070 here in AZ. There are many claims that it is racist or will result in racial profiling. Nowhere in the relatively short bill does it mention a specific race, but the simple fact is that AZ shares a border with Mexico and there are huge numbers of Hispanics in the US illegally. AZ doesn't exactly have a problem with illegal Asians or Canadians or whatever. I mean, I can see where it might feel racist, but it isn't. At least not in my opinion. Again, I may be wrong, see disclaimer re: "semi privileged white girl" status.
I've just finished reading Obama's "Dreams From My Father", in which he talks about being a community organizer in Chicago, trying to get things changed in the projects. Fact #1 - the projects are mostly black neighborhoods. Fact #2 - they do get shafted in regards to businesses/industry opening in the area. Fact # 3 - gangs and drugs do start to take over the poorer neighborhoods.
SPWG question - why don't the people in the neighborhoods stand together and do something? I understand that despair and such can lead people to give up. Truly, I get that.
And why are successful black people sometimes called "Uncle Tom" and accused of selling out to "The Man"? Can you only be a real black person if you live in poverty and squalor? Or is it more like how dare they make something of themselves, hence making the ones who DON'T manage it look bad?
I really truly do want to know. I know the stuff I've just written will probably make some people mad. I don't mean it in such a way. I wonder similar things about white people who don't even try.
One more question - when whites discriminate against anyone, it is racism. Why, pray tell, when whites are on the receiving end of discrimination (and it does happen) is it called "reverse racism"? Isn't it still just racism? I don't see anything in that definition up top about white people always being the bad guys.
Confused, truly.
It's the same as sexual harassment in the work place. Men can do the harassing, but when one claims the reverse he is ostracized and ridiculed. Society defines Whites as the oppressor,and so cannot be the oppressed, hence they cannot be discriminated against.