05 October 2010


I tried and tried...yesterday?...to write an entry on the intersection between religion and politics, but I couldn't get it to gel, no matter how many times I deleted and started over. It kept getting way more personal than I wanted it to and got very jumbled. So apparently I need to let it stew in my brain a little longer and try something else.

How about hypocrisy? It's everywhere - you know that and I know that. But it is getting worse and worse. Everyone has a touch of it here and there, depending on the topic. There's that tendency, for instance, for people to complain the most about traits in others that they dislike in themselves. Most people, though, are at least a little ashamed when hypocritical actions are pointed out to them.

Like the ultra-religious, foaming-at-the-mouth, anti-gay preachers or politicians who get caught hiring rentboys. Wow for dumb.

But for what inspired this post, I have a link with pictures. Back info...

Glenn Beck threw a rally type thing on the Mall in D.C. on 8/28. The theme was "Faith, Hope, and Charity", all good things that I can totally get behind. He asked people to not bring signs and to please follow all the rules that the Mall has. No glass and things like that. Pictures from after the rally show a lovely and clean area. People picked up their own crap. Which yay.

This past weekend, there was a counter rally called "One Nation Working Together". They say it wasn't a counter rally, you be the judge, I really haven't the foggiest idea though I do have my opinion. It was sponsored by 400 different groups, with a large percentage of union groups, Democratic Socialists of (Wherever), and the Communist Party USA. Endorsed by Obama. There were even various environmental groups listed on the sponsor page, like The Green Party, which makes what I'm about to post even more ironically horrible.

Photographic evidence here. There are pictures and videos and tons of comments. There are even links in a couple of the comments to MORE pictures. Frankly, this makes me sick. Isn't hardcore environmentalism supposed to be one of the standards of the left-wing model?

And did any of this make the regular news ANYWHERE? Not that I caught. If I'm wrong, please post me some info, but I only saw ONE article in the local paper on the day after the rally. There were no pictures with it.

This hypocritical trend leads me to ONE thought. Just one. If people would stop being jerks to each other, and would stop looking out for only their own selfish garbage, the world would be a lot better place.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, pretty amazing, the way these people will treat the Earth but then turn around and paint conservatives as the environment haters. And like you said, the MSM totally ignores the story. The whole thing just pisses me off. The WA Mall got trashed like that during Teh One's inauguration as well. It looked like a war zone. Very respectful. NOT.
