14 April 2011

Tea Party

I went out tonight to the meeting of the local Tea Party group. First, there were more people there than I expected, about 35. Most were in the 60-65 year old range, at my best guess. I think I was the youngest adult in the room, but as I didn't quiz everyone I'm not positive. :-) There was one gentleman there who I'm pretty sure was older than dirt. Everyone was very nice.

Tom Balantyne was speaking. He has written a couple of books, though I've not read them. The basic theme was Constitutional law and how it gets rather trampled on.

There is going to be a meet 'n' greet/rally/thing tomorrow at the state Capitol, Senator Pearce and Sheriff Joe are both speaking, plus various other representative types. Can't go, I have other things to do...plus, ew, going downtown on Friday afternoon.

I'll be going back to the meetings, though.