29 March 2011


OK, so I know lots of people of various political stripe, from all the way right to all the way left. No crazies in the current list, but have been there, done that.

I have questions regarding socialism. Now, I'm not a complete dunce on the subject, I have (as previously mentioned) a tendency to hit the library when I want to know stuff. I come home with armloads of books. Really.

I do see the basic appeal of socialism/Marxism/communism/whatever. Everyone is equal and has the same stuff and the same rights, etc.

HOWEVER - while it sounds good on paper, it doesn't implement well. Soviet Russia, anyone?

So somebody, anybody, explain to me this push by some very large groups to rid ourselves of capitalism and go to socialism. Really. Don't get all flame-y, just explain it to me.

Cuz from where I'm sitting I have two thoughts....

1) It sounds like jealousy. Because you rarely (not never, just rarely) have rich people standing up and saying "Yay, socialism is good!" and following it up by "redistributing" their own personal wealth. Mostly it's non-rich types, frequently college age people, who seem like they don't want to work toward their own wealth. They want someone else to hand it to them. Entitled much? Caveat: Yes, I know what I have just written does not describe EVERY socialist. Why the hell should I have to put a disclaimer? Nothing I write describes everyone. Sheesh, get a grip.

2) I forget where I read it or who said it, but there's a phrase that sticks in my head.... "Capitalism is the worst form of (financial structure? something like that), except for all the rest. What is so damn bad about capitalism? Yes, yes, some people take advantage and are horrid greedy bastards. Other than that?

I mean, sure, it would be nice to be handed a million bucks, but that's what playing the lottery is for.