03 November 2010

Elections, etc.

OK, so I've been a little absent. I overloaded my brain and my circuits had to reset. Been reading Miss Manners instead of anything political for a bit.

So yesterday was midterm elections day, and if you didn't know that...have you been living under a rock or something? Sheesh. I can't say I'm sad that all the mud-slingy ads are gone. Ye gods, that got crazy.

As it stands, Republicans control the House, 239-185 at my last info. Democrats retained the Senate, 51 seats to 46. Most of the races, nationwide, were in the 55/45 kind of range. There were a few that were more like 60/40, but I can't think of any race that I saw results for that were a complete walk away.

Grayson in FL lost, for which thank goodness. He took mudslinging to a whole new level of "Lying Bastard". Angle in NV lost, which I kind of couldn't believe, but whatever. I don't have to live with Reid. Brown won in CA, and Boxer kept her seat.

But the huge Republican wave is just crazy! I have seen many blog and/or FB posts today that have been rather upset, ranging from sad to angry and everything in between. And I gotta say that I really don't get it. I don't get the name-calling and I don't get the assumption that "OMG Republicans won, women are going to lose the right to vote and blacks are going to be forced back into slavery and gays will be strung up on street corners!" Why?

And that's not entirely a rhetorical question. I really want to know why lefties label righties evil and scary. Some are, sure, the extreme ones. They don't speak for all. The same way the extreme lefties don't speak for all.

Here in AZ there was almost a Republican sweep. Brewer is still in as governor, McCain in the Senate. Ben Quayle won his Congressional bid. Am still waiting to see what's happening in Tucson, where Ruth McClung challenged the incumbent Raul Grijalva. He's held that seat for a long time but the last thing I saw had him ahead by only aboaut 3000 votes.

I'm hoping that all this shift will result in some good things happening. I know the left wants to blame Bush for...oh, everything, apparently, but wasn't the Congress in Democratic control since 2006? Surely they had something to do with it. Bush didn't have supreme power or anything, did he?

Anyway, I'm sure there are changes ahead. I think I'm going to back this blog up a bit, go through the Constitution one amendment at a time. Instead of flailing about. I'll get the hang of this eventually.

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